• Artes Marciales

    ¿Dónde comienza la intimidación y donde Finaliza?

    La intimidación ha sido constante en las escuelas durante muchos años, y la naturaleza competitiva de las personas en un entorno puede que sacar lo peor de los niños buenos. Por lo general, la intimidación puede atribuirse a alguna otra causa, como problemas en el hogar, inseguridades personales, las nociones preconcebidas de la normalidad o incluso la presión del grupo. Eso no es siempre el caso, sin embargo, a veces, es mucho más difícil determinar dónde podría surgir el problema. Si un niño se enfrenta a algún tipo de acoso moral en el hogar, es probable que regrese con el mismo comportamiento aprendido a la zona de juegos o en…

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  • Martial Arts

    Tai Chi vs. Yoga

    The ultimate showdown between two mystical disciplines both hailing from the East comes down to one thing… Nothing. Don’t be so ridiculous. Sheesh. In reality both arts incorporate many of the same elements. What is known as the meridian system in Tai Chi is called Chakras in Yoga, and the central points of energy production are essentially the same. There are several other similarities between the two arts, spiritual practices, meditation systems or health maintainers depending on how you view the two. Yoga focuses on certain stretching techniques and breathing patterns to illicit a healthy response. There are several different schools, and levels of difficulty among each school. Two of…

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  • Martial Arts

    My Top 5 Favorite Martial Arts

    There are many different martial arts styles, and with the new generation of MMA they kind of all get molded into one. I am more of a traditionalist, though. The martial arts on this list are not just about their functionality. I like the martial arts on this list for their aesthetic beauty as well as their usefulness in various ways. Some can be considered as more effective for self-defense, whereas others might be more useful for health and meditation. 1. Tae Kwon Do The first martial art that I began learning is still one of my all-time favorites. The combination of attacks and defenses in Tae Kwon Do make…

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  • Artes Marciales

    Mis Top 5 Artes Marciales Favoritas

    Hay muchos diferentes estilos de artes marciales, y con la nueva generación de MMA en la cual todos los tipos de artes marciales consiguen ser moldeados en uno solo. Sin embargo, yo soy más tradicionalista. Las artes marciales en esta lista no son sólo acerca de su funcionalidad. Me gustan las artes marciales en esta lista por su belleza estética, así como su utilidad en diversas formas. Algunos pueden ser considerados como más eficaz para la autodefensa, mientras que otros podrían ser más útil para la salud y la meditación. 1. Tae Kwon Do El primer arte marcial que comencé a aprender sigue siendo uno de mis favoritos de todos…

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  • Opinion

    Where Does Bullying Begin and End

    Bullying has been a constant in schools for many years, and the competitive nature of people in such a setting may bring out the worst in otherwise good kids. Usually bullying can be traced to some other root cause like problems at home, personal insecurities, preconceived notions of normalcy or even peer pressure. That isn’t always the case though, and sometimes it is far more difficult to pinpoint where the problem might arise. If a child faces some kind of bullying at home, they are likely to return with the same learned behavior to the playground or classroom. Bullying as a learned behavior is probably one of the more common…

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  • Martial Arts

    Top 10 Reasons for Practicing Martial Arts

    Martial Arts are certainly an excellent and positive way to encourage good behavior, discipline and health in children, but they aren’t just beneficial for kids alone. Balance The best way to gain physical balance is via a set of exercises that focuses your attention, and allows you to try to gain an equilibrium. Exercises such as standing on one leg, walking in a straight line and jumping all make use of a measured degree of coordination, and they can all be found in the practice of martial arts. That might seem like the long and short of it, but balance in martial arts is not just about the attainment of…

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  • Videos

    Un Nuevo Video de KKF

    Originalmente creado por Willam Gentry para las clases se Kindergarten que instruyo en Taiwan, Kindie Kung Fu es un libro de bolsillo, un libro electrónico y un proyecto multimedia que incluye un video y una campana que ayuda a recolectar fondos (Crowfounding Indiegogo) que se encarga de llevar libros y ensenar en las escuelas los programas para niños de escasos recursos y privados de sus derechos. Kindie Kung Fu es la manera perfecta de inducir a las niños en las marciales, yoga y aeróbicos; y ensenarles un poco acerca de la solución de problemas sin recurrir a la violencia. La flexibilidad, la coordinación, el ejercicio cardiovascular y muscular, la salud…

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